Sunday, February 2, 2014

new clothes and other stuff :)

It finally rained last Friday! or I guess sprinkled, and I don't even know if I can call it that. I am hoping spring brings those showers because I have been restlessly waiting for them! Despite that it has been pretty warm here in California, I have picked up a few sweaters. :)

I had a gift card for forever 21, so I figured I should use it while they had all their new years clear out sales. I got a military green jacket with Sherpa-looking lining on the collar which I am pretty excited about.

And I got this fluffy, puffy creamy sweater with dots that stick out (embossed in a way I guess???). I am probably going to wear this only at home because it is white and I have problems with food and juice and dirt getting on anything I wear that is white. Otherwise I might just carry around an apron and a bib to wear ;)

Then yesterday morning we had a little family outing to the thrift store. It was just my mom, my sister and me (my dad went walking while we were shopping). I got three sweaters (bad Alyssa :/), but I never feel too bad about it because they aren't that expensive. It's pretty bad! There is a full rack of sweaters in my closet already, but they are just so cozy!!!
I got this one:

It is super soft and comfy cozy! It feels like fluffy socks!
And I also got this black one which is really soft too. (almost all the sweaters I buy seem to be made of the super soft fluffy sock stuff :) )

And finally, this beauty:  ->

It's colorful but it is not super bright. AND it had a turtle neck so my neck won't get cold!!! This is my first turtle neck, at least one that I have willingly bought :)

I also bought this nightie:

It was kind of an impulse buy because it reminded me of Andie from Pretty in Pink, so I "had" to buy it. (I am such a sucker for anything related to my favorite movies :P) It is a good thing I don't go to the thrift store all that often because I think I would be broke and my closet would be overwhelmed by sweaters and movie-related impulses :)

Have an awesome week! -Alyssa
(P.S. : rain rain head this way,
I need water to drink come May,
if you don't it'll be tragic,
because lack of shower water will make us smell, ick!  
---yep, beautiful poetry there ;) )

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