Monday, January 27, 2014


Mine (18! woot woot!), my auntie's, and my papa's birthday were about a week ago, my Dad's birthday was a few days ago, and my cousin's birthday is tomorrow! And there are a lot more birthdays to come, so I am super excited to make birthday cakes and cupcakes and brownies! For my dad's birthday I decided to make a chocolate cake with whip cream and strawberry for filling and chocolate frosting on top with more strawberries. I used the cake recipe from The Little Red House and its so amazing!!! I just switched out raspberries for strawberries!

Hers looks a lot prettier but I did try :)

 And then, today after school there was still extra frosting and a layer of cake that had broke so I made baby cakes :D

I plan on using this cake batter recipe many times over because it is just so dang good! I am planning on making some more baked goodies for Wednesday because we have a food faire at our school where all the clubs sell food (like a massive fundraiser), but I still have to decide what to make... luckily there is this amazing website called Pinterest ;) 
(I think I am addicted)
 -Alyssa :)

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