Saturday, March 22, 2014

Tummy Happiness #4: Bagels!!

I made bagels today!
I saw this recipe and I was so excited to try.

I have made bread and brownies and cake and cookies, but never bagels. It is surprising, actually, because I LOVE BAGELS so so so so so much (especially with cream cheese, YUM!)!!!

Making bagels is actually really simple. To make the dough all you have to do is put all the ingredients into a food processor and then add water! The tricky part for me was rolling out the dough into strips that weren't deformed, but they turned out normal-ish looking in the end, so I was happy :)   (p.s. : if your bagels look kind of lumpy after boiling them, I think that is normal because once I baked them they puffed out and looked like actual bagels! :) )

For different toppings, I put on sesame seeds and green onions, poppy seeds, and cheese. I also made cinnamon raisin ones but I put the cinnamon and raisins inside the dough before boiling and baking the bagels.

They are really good, so if you like bagels, definitely give this recipe (linked up top) a try. I need to go eat another bagel ( I actually made :D)!
-alyssa :)

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