Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Got Glass?

A few weeks ago I did went with my mom and sister to this glass art place and me and my sister made candle votives. And today they were finally done and we picked them up!! Now I will have a reason to use the bunches of tea lights I have :D

 Speaking of candles. I have been really wanting to buy some candles and I was looking on bath and body works. They have a one called London Calling, and it apparently smells like lemon tea! I don't know if I am more excited by the scent or the name ;) It kind of worries me how much I like everything linked to England, even if it is just the name. I really do want to visit England, and as of right now I feel like I would live there at any chance I got, but there is no particular reason, everything just seems so appealing. Yep, maybe I am just crazy obsessed, but if I am going to be obsessed about something, I think England is a pretty amazing option.

Let's feel infinite :)

waiting for college acceptances...or rejections :(

I am so nervous...I have been waiting for a Cal Poly admissions decision, and still nothing. Lots of people have already gotten accepted, and I am worried. I wake up every morning and immediately check my portal, and everyday it says "an admissions decision has not been reached" and I just keep thinking "ok, tomorrow" but that has been going on for about 2 weeks and I AM DYING to know!!!

It's a struggle :P

Monday, February 10, 2014

Tummy Happiness #3: Applesauce Bread with Lime Glaze

So I tried to make something similar to lemon drizzle cake and this is what I came up with. There are two types because I wasn't sure if I made the first loaf right so I added some stuff to the batter for the second loaf. I actually like the first batch (denser version) better because it is more like a coffee cake texture compared to the fluffy one which is...fluffy :) (and the fluffy one is more like normal cake but less sweet)

(makes two baby loaves or one mama loaf)

Ingredients for bread:

Dense, moist version-
1/3 cup apple sauce (I used already sweetened, but my bread turned out really sweet so unsweetened apple sauce might be even better)
3 Tbsp. butter
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
pinch of baking powder
pinch of baking soda
sprinkle of salt
1 egg

Fluffy light version-
1/3 cup apple sauce
3 Tbsp. butter
3/4 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/8 tsp salt
1 egg

Lime Glaze:
1/2 cup powdered sugar
as much lime (or lemon or grapefruit or any other flavor) juice as needed to get the flavor
water (if you only have so much of the juice, I only had 2 limes so I needed some more liquid)

Baking it:
(set oven to 350 F)
I just mixed the apple sauce and softened butter first, and separately mixed the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, salt). Then I mixed these two mixtures together and added the egg at the end. I let it mix until it looked all combined. Then you can get out your pan (or two small loaf pans), butter the sides and put parchment paper on the bottom (or just butter the whole thing, or use shortening, I don't think it would make too much of a difference :) )  I baked each for 20-25 minutes at 350 F and then took them out and poked holes in the top with a toothpick. Pour your glaze over the whole loaf (or loaves), let them cool, and voila! some sort of cakey-bread stuff :D

Sunday, February 2, 2014

new clothes and other stuff :)

It finally rained last Friday! or I guess sprinkled, and I don't even know if I can call it that. I am hoping spring brings those showers because I have been restlessly waiting for them! Despite that it has been pretty warm here in California, I have picked up a few sweaters. :)

I had a gift card for forever 21, so I figured I should use it while they had all their new years clear out sales. I got a military green jacket with Sherpa-looking lining on the collar which I am pretty excited about.

And I got this fluffy, puffy creamy sweater with dots that stick out (embossed in a way I guess???). I am probably going to wear this only at home because it is white and I have problems with food and juice and dirt getting on anything I wear that is white. Otherwise I might just carry around an apron and a bib to wear ;)

Then yesterday morning we had a little family outing to the thrift store. It was just my mom, my sister and me (my dad went walking while we were shopping). I got three sweaters (bad Alyssa :/), but I never feel too bad about it because they aren't that expensive. It's pretty bad! There is a full rack of sweaters in my closet already, but they are just so cozy!!!
I got this one:

It is super soft and comfy cozy! It feels like fluffy socks!
And I also got this black one which is really soft too. (almost all the sweaters I buy seem to be made of the super soft fluffy sock stuff :) )

And finally, this beauty:  ->

It's colorful but it is not super bright. AND it had a turtle neck so my neck won't get cold!!! This is my first turtle neck, at least one that I have willingly bought :)

I also bought this nightie:

It was kind of an impulse buy because it reminded me of Andie from Pretty in Pink, so I "had" to buy it. (I am such a sucker for anything related to my favorite movies :P) It is a good thing I don't go to the thrift store all that often because I think I would be broke and my closet would be overwhelmed by sweaters and movie-related impulses :)

Have an awesome week! -Alyssa
(P.S. : rain rain head this way,
I need water to drink come May,
if you don't it'll be tragic,
because lack of shower water will make us smell, ick!  
---yep, beautiful poetry there ;) )